Our teeth are always moving and always changing, so orthodontic problems can occur in both the old and the young. Because we are constantly biting and chewing, our teeth are extremely mobile.
Young children may cause deleterious effects to their teeth when they suck their thumbs or because of tongue thrusting. That’s why it’s suggested that children visit the orthodontist around the age of seven. We can diagnose and treat any problems that may have arisen.
As an adult, you may notice that your teeth shift toward the center of your mouth. You may also notice changes in your bite. Because of teeth grinding, missing teeth, or jaw clenching, your mouth may change, not necessarily for the better.
Fortunately, orthodontics can correct oral problems, whether they are found in adults or children. We simply need to start with healthy teeth and gums. The following are some of the common orthodontic problems we often treat in our office.
Unmatched Dental Midlines
When the line between your two front teeth on the upper and lower arches doesn’t match, this can be a problem. This line should also match with the center of your nose and the point between your eyes. When there is not a match, you may experience trouble with your bite and issues with your jaw function.
When your lower jaw extends too far, it causes your lower front teeth to sit in front of your upper front teeth. If the underbite is severe, it can cause problems with biting, chewing, speaking, and even result in jaw pain.
If you have an overbite, your upper front teeth extend too far out over your lower front teeth. If you have a severe overbite, you may experience TMJ pain and headaches, as well as tooth grinding.
Upper Front Teeth Protrusion
If your upper teeth extend too far forward or your lower front teeth do not extend far enough forward, this is called Upper Front Teeth Protrusion. Your appearance will be affected as well as your ability to bite and chew.
Crossbite is a lateral misalignment of your dental arches. If the crossbite is not corrected, it can result in tooth stratification and a misaligned jaw.
Open Bite
An open bite means that your front upper and lower teeth slant outward, so they don’t touch when your mouth is shut. This is a very common problem which can cause difficulties with chewing. An open bite can also affect your appearance and your speech patterns.
To discover how Dr. Ron Carr and our orthodontic team can help you with these orthodontic issues, please call today. We look forward to serving you!